Never met in person.

I worked with Pam Virtually and we never met in person, but you didn’t have to meet in person to feel all her warmness. She was my leader for work but she was always personable and always encouraged us to put family first and take care of ourselves. She always shared stories about raising her sons, loving on her grandkids, marriage, and just life. She was easy to talk to and always caring. At Christmas one year, she made us all hand made quilted bags and filled them up with necessities like bandaids, alcohol wipes, and or neo etc. she was always thoughtful and caring. Anytime we would talk or have a meeting she’d say “ok miss Teresa.” I can still remember her sharing a story abojt one of her sons baking with her and how much she loved that he would do that with her and I remember thinking I wished I knew how to bake so I could Do it with my son bc she made it sound so fun and special. Pam was a wonderful person and was loved by so many ….so any that never even met her in person ❤️